Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lebron James finally made a decision

No it's not about the free agency, (god if I had to take a shot of soju for every mention of "Free Agency" and "LeBron James" I'd probably be in the hospital for alcohol poisoning.) he finally made a twitter account. According to a CNN article his publicist Keith Estabrook confirmed that it was indeed LBJ who made the account.

My top guesses on his first tweet

1. What's for lunch
2. I'm resigning with the Cleveland Cavaliers GOTCHA!
3. Oh hey you remember that dance I did during the blow out game in... pause
4. What's for dinner
5. Done with gym
6. Sorry @ChrisBosh I'm not playing with you, I rather play with @amareisreal
7. @ChrisBosh would I look cute if I grew out my hair and braid it??
8. @the_real_shaq why do you have more followers than me? I own the media and the world.

Apparently none of guesses are right and here is his first tweet:

"Hello World, the Real King James is in the Building "Finally". My Brother @oneandonlycp3 gas'd me up to jump on board so I'm here. Haaaa"

Oh well can you please give us an answer now on where you will be playing? Oh and yes people did give you the nickname "King" but really? really Lebron? Wooo damn you need to pop that ego really quick, just a suggestion.

1 comment:

  1. How about "Hey Delonte, stop nailing my mom you homo."
