Why would I need to save the date?
What's going to happen on 07/27/10?
Well if you're not a nerd (no offense to nerds) then you probably don't know about it. Yes it's the much anticipated release date of the ever so popular Starcraft II. WAIT WHAT? Yeah you heard me, I'm not lying to you. After nearly over 10 years of waiting (Well I have been waiting since 1998) they finally made the sequel to the game that most likely changed how RTS games are played. The game is so big that Koreans decided to make a
league for it and televise it online.
I for one was one of those excited people who was waiting for it to the point where I mistakingly thought June 27 2010 was July 27 2010. Heres a little dialouge between me and the best buy employee: Me as me and BBE as Best Buy Employee
Me: *see's the pre-order paper* *asks BBE* "Hey so do you guys have any stock for Starcraft II at the moment?"
BB Employee: "You know what the game is really popular, lemme check in the back"
Me: "yeah it is, I'm pretty excited about it"
-saw the release date-
-Looks at my phone calendar-
Me: *thinking* "Oh its only June, wow I feel stupid"
-Plays it off and walk away slowly to the PS3 Section-
Needless to say, I felt really stupid. I bet the Best Buy Employee felt the same way for actually going to the back and checking if they have stock.
Now, now, now that I showed you how stupid I felt, theres an article I saw on my facebook feed (
Link c/o joe) about this asian dating guru saying that, "you should steer clear away from SC II). His reason? It destroys your social life. You know honestly, thats pretty obvious. I mean look at all the socially deprived people who play World of Warcraft (I was one at one point, I swear it was like crack). It really depends on a person whether they will let the video game take over their life. It's really not the games fault, I mean if you have a little bit of common sense you'll eventually realize that "Oh hey I should go out and mingle, maybe I'll get laid.". Sorry to say but Starcraft won't get you laid unless you're a pro-gamer from korea, okay I don't have a source for that but thats what it seems like.
So yes, I totally disagree with the whole "You should spend your 60 dollars on a date or a social life" BS. Because well, 60 bucks really don't get you much anyways.
I thought Larissa Riquelme is hot. I'd spend 60 bucks on that pair of Paraguay piece of ass.